Twelve Years A Slave - dertbook
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Book Shop

Twelve Years A Slave


Twelve Years a Slave is a compelling memoir recounting the true story of Solomon Northup, who was a freeman born and raised in New York. Northup’s extraordinary story is a lesson in the enduring hope and resiliency of man, even in the face of the most harrowing of circumstances.

The artwork for the cover of this historic memoir has been designed and illustrated by Demitra Lolos as part of a social venture project to raise money for literacy charities.


Solomon Northup’s historic memoir and slave narrative, Twelve Years A Slave features the cover design artwork of, a graphic design student Demitra Lolos from New York City.


This 316-page paperback is part of a social venture project to spread literacy to families in underserved communities. DERT works with emerging designers to create unique, customized books. Each DERT book features the design and conceptual artwork created by graphic design students. With each purchase, proceeds from the sale are donated to help support the cause of early childhood literacy.


Additional Information
Dimensions 5 × 8 in